• At ICC, we believe God’s grace brings salvation and restoration to our lives and moves us to extend His gospel and grace to others. (2 Cor. 5:11-21, Rom. 1:16, Rom. 10:12-17, Jer. 29:7, Micah 6:8, Matt. 25:31-41.

    Consequently, Local Ministry at ICC exists to empower God’s people to be a conduit of His blessing to our Jerusalem (Acts 1:8) We believe the local church is called to take on the posture of a servant to seek the flourishing of the city we call home.

  • As recipients of God’s grace and members of the local church, we take up God’s invitation to seek the welfare of our city. We know that the city’s welfare and the flourishing of the local church can share a common interest for the good of its citizens (Jer. 29:7).

  • Want to get involved but aren’t sure where to start? You can fill out these short forms to find a group or form a group within Local Ministry!

  • Every believer in Christ is called to be a disciple that makes disciples. Each of us seeks to make Christ known where we live, work, and play. In addition to this calling, you can take part in group ministry or take part in church-wide opportunities to reach out to our city. We are not asking each member to participate in every outreach opportunity. However, we do ask that you prayerfully consider where God is calling you to serve during this season as well as your time constraints with previous commitments.

  • As we live within our God-given identity, we make Him known. Everything we do within our entire lives becomes a sacrifice to Him, including where we live, work, and play.

    1. Live- We dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. We are faithful to God no matter where we live. We shine as beacons of light towards God for those around us (Ps. 37:3).

    2. Work- We recognize that every earthly boss is subject to a higher authority. We do all of our work to please the Lord, not men. We build relationships with our coworkers to make Christ known. (Col. 3:23).

    3. Play- We live strategically. We leverage our hobbies and habits to outwardly position ourselves to share the gospel with those around us. Whether we eat or drink, we do it all for the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31).
  • A Local Ministry Group is a group of established and/or new friends that choose to live on mission together in the city by serving regularly together. Groups are committed to growing in gospel faithfulness and effectiveness, enjoying encouragement, equipping, and accountability while serving together. Groups can form out of the natural rhythms of community or through recognized passionate leaders who organize new groups for ministry. Click here to find out more about the different types of groups.

  • As a church, we have committed to serving within Mud Island, Uptown, Midtown, and the South Main communities. You also have the opportunity to serve within your immediate community, your workplace, and within your family. You can fill out our form to find a group or form a group.

  • As the local church, we are individually members of one another. When we serve together, we share a collective witness to our city and our world that proclaims God’s character to the world around us.

  • Thankfully, when God calls us to something, he also equips us for the task. Whether you are introverted or extroverted, young or old, trained or untrained, God has given you a story to tell: one of how you came to know Him or one of what He is doing in your life. Watch this short video on sharing your faith using the 3 circles method.

  • Committed Partnerships help to fuel ICC’s mission, allowing us to bring help and hope to people in our community through practical service and gospel ministry. They are approved by the ICC elder team and represent a long-term partnership.

    Goodwill Connections allow us to work with various individuals, organizations, and nonprofits throughout Memphis that contribute to the welfare of our city. These connections are vetted by Local Ministry Leadership and compiled into a list of options for members to serve within the city.